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Early Stage East Venture Conference
June 9th & 10th
Hotel DuPont
Wilmington, Delaware
Located only 20 minutes south of the Philadelphia International Airport

Sponsor Benefits

Early Stage East continues to provide the greatest impact for our sponsors with unique features that we offer exclusively. We remain the only venture capital conference that draws the highest caliber early stage entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from up and down the East Coast from New England to the Carolinas. Centrally located at the heart of the Mid-Atlantic Region, Early Stage East focuses on companies that have gone on to raise $6 million in institutional funding.

Networking opportunities at our coaching, entrepreneurial education series, VIP reception and conference.

Presenting companies selected by venture capitalists for venture capitalists so you can be sure to find promising venture opportunities at the conference.

Corporate branding for your company.

Distribution of your company's print materials.

Logo and link from our high traffic website.

Speaking opportunities.

Advertisments to be published in the conference guide.

Complimentary event tickets.

Company logo displayed prominently at the venue.



To view our sponsorships brochure and to obtain a commitment form, click on the links below.

» Sponsorship Brochure
» Commitment Form

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